Dolgoletno ukvarjanje z vratarji v skoraj vseh možnih klubskih selekcijah in delovanju pri obeh najmočnejših slovenskih klubih, Olimpiji in Jesenicah, je letošnja sezona Petru prinesla prvo od recimo temu večjih naslednjih nagrad v njegovi trenerski karieri. S Slovanom iz Bratislave, kjer po obdobju preživetem pri Medveščaku v ligi EBEL, deluje že tretjo sezono, je namreč osvojil naslov slovaškega državnega prvaka. Dolga in lepa pot za trenerja vratarjev, ki je svoje delo sicer začel pri Slaviji jr. Prav v času njegovih trenerskih začetkov, se je odvila tudi zgodba GAI, kasneje GAI Slovenija, ki jo Peter že od začetka s svojimi sodelavci in prijatelji vodi zelo strastno in zagnano. Letos bo tako to že 9. zaporedni camp, ki bo privabil številne vratarje širom Evrope, ki so željni novega znanja.

Many years of dealing with goalkeepers in almost all possible club selections and working for the two strongest Slovenian clubs, Olimpija and Jesenice, this year’s season brought Peter the first of the next major awards in his coaching career. With Slovan from Bratislava, where he is working for the third season after spending time with Medveščak in the EBEL league, he won the title of Slovak national champion. A long and beautiful journey for the goalkeeping coach, who started his work at Slavija jr. It was during his coaching beginnings that the story of GAI, later GAI Slovenia, unfolded, which Peter has been leading very passionately and enthusiastically from the very beginning with his colleagues and friends. This year it will be the 9th consecutive camp that will attract many goalkeepers across Europe who are eager for new knowledge.